Thursday, 10 July 2014

Ict Tools

                                                             Crime and Policing
IT has introduced a lot of things which prevents people committing crime. CCTV camera, GPRS system, using database for finding criminals' information are some unique thing which can not be possible without the blessing of IT.In common days police uses GPRS to track someone's car,mobile phone if it has been stolen. Police uses CCTV camera to detect criminals' face. Fingerprint is another especial method with which the police can identify the thieves. This is making our life safer and very easy in many ways. For example- in big super markets like ASDA or Tesco doesn't need to think about too much if someone tries to still their products, because some products have got chips which can be detected if that product isn't swiped over the bar code reader. 
Communication is a very important technique which is used to make a business very famous. In earlier days, people used to communicate in a different way. They had to go to everyone's house to promote their products which could take a long time to promote their product. They sometimes used to take long journey so that they can deal with someone and they can expand their business. Since technology has arrived,people still using the technique which is communication but they have changed the method of promoting their products or dealing  with someone who is far from one another. Instead of going to everyone's house separately, people are making advertisement, which not involves one area or a country but the whole world and we can also use IT to communicate someone who too far from each other. We can use e-mailing method to know more about our customers. They can also frequently ask us some questions related to our business.  

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